Ready movie revolves around two characters Prem (Salman Khan) and Sanjanna (Asin) who are in love with each other but their greedy uncles want to choke Sanjanna's family inheritance and prem's family always support him in all crazy plans.Both parties always plan to teach other a lesson. The story get twisted when Sanjana's family come to know thta they have been tricked. Then both families start taking revenge with lot of planning and plotting..Then the question is what happens to the love story.
Ready Movie Overview
Director: Anees Bazmee
Producer: Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar,Rajat Rawail, Nitin Manmohan, Sohail Khan
Music Director: Pritam Chakraborty
Cast : Salman Khan, Asin Thottumkal, Arya Babbar