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Tuesday, 19 July 2011

The Words Makes You Think Always

  1. We're all born innocent. Some people stay that way. Others just want you to think they did. 
2.Everybody's opinion counts. I just think mine counts a little more. 
 3. :)two tears were floating down a river, one tear said to the other 'who are     you from'? she replied 'im from a girl who just got her heart broken by a boy who left her. who are you from'? he replied 'im from the boy who regrets letting her go' ♥ 

4 .im selfish, impatient and a little insecure, i make mistakes and im out of control and at times hard to handle, but if you cant handle me at my worst you sure as hell, dont deserve me at my best♥ know how people say 'if he makes you cry he isnt worth it'? well it isnt true, because if you really loved him then you would cry for him...♥ is never too young, it can never die nor get old, because love is like breathing, you dont tell it to come to you, it just happens without knowing and all you can do is wait and hope youre not hurt for love is forever and always.♥♥ 

7.Girl friends you never know, friends are forever.  

8.i love d way he makes me feel great...
  n i hate d way he does d same wid other grls.. 

9.''A moment of love is worth a lifetime of memories''

10.when he hurts me, i cry .
     when i hurt him, i cry 

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